Afinia H480 named "Reliable Performer" by Make: in 3D Printer Shootout

The H480 has done it again!Reliable Performer Badge

We are happy to announce that Make: Magazine has named the Afinia H480 as “Reliable Performer” in their Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing 2015, and has included the Afinia in the top 10 3D printers (out of the 26 tested). In recent years, we have also been awarded “Best Overall Experience,” “Easiest to Use,” and “Easiest to Set Up.”

To test the printers for the Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing 2015, Make: ran 26 3D printers through their paces to create side-by-side comparisons, and to identify the top performing 3D printers across nine classes, with our Afinia H480 tops in the “Reliable Performer” class. Make: says the H480 is “a solid bet for the third year running,” and, “its ease of use and continual upgrades make it shine.”

Mitch Ackmann, our President, says, “We’re really happy about topping the Reliable Performer class, as it’s the number one thing that our customers require. It’s gratifying that we have been proven to be the most reliable printer of the 26 that were tested.”

Afinia 3D Customers

Reliability, as Ackmann stated, is a priority for many of Afinia’s customers, which include educators, engineers, hobbyists, and makerspaces. Educators and makerspaces, specifically, have noted that they need printers that they can count on. For them, a printer that encounters problems and needs maintenance means altered lesson plans and projects, and unhappy makerspace members.

To read about the innovative projects our customers are working on using 3D printing, check out the first edition of our eBook, or to read about how educators are using the Afinia 3D printer in their classroom, read the second edition of our eBook.

Learn more about using the Afinia 3D Printer in Education

Where can I find Make: Magazine’s guide?

A PDF of the Ultimate 3D Printing Guide 2015, and pre-orders of the print issue, can be purchased through for $9.99. The issue will also be available at Barnes and Noble stores and on newsstands November 25.

MAKER MEDIA is located in Sebastopol and Oakland, CA, and is a global platform for connecting makers with each other, with products and services, and with our partners. Through media, events and ecommerce, Maker Media serves a growing community of makers who bring a DIY mindset to technology.